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Cable: USB/charge. This not ONLY spplies to orders placed directly with Motorola. FCA Manila, Minimum order: 100 (In multiple of 100s there after)., 50-11G55-001R
Hands free headset (earbud). Hands free headset (earbud). This note ONLY applies to orders placed directly with Motorola. FCA Manila, Minimum order: 100 (in Multiples of 100s there after)., 90-17C28-001R
кабель , 50-16002-009
Рукоятка пистолетная с нопкой для терминала PPT88XX, SNE801739
Кабель DB9 папа-мама, 901516-200
Кабель Synapse модуль rs232,, STI20-0201R
мобильное зарядное устройство , VCA5000-12
Блок питания (8V/5A Power Supply for Four Slot Cradles), 50-14000-240R
карточка , LA-4137-1020-WWR
Электронный ключ для PocketBrowser 2.22 for Windows CE & WM,, SWE-132873-01
Внешняя подставка External Media Supply, DPO78-2089-01
Крэдл с четырьмя слотами, CRD8800-4000S
RS1 Ring Scanner, RS1-I0124-00
Стандартный нож Standard Cutter Kit for W-6X08, DPO-78-2326-01
Стандартный нож Standard Cutter Kit for W-8306, DPO-78-2328-01
Cradle - Four Slot -International. Includes 50-14001-004 Power Supply and 50-16002-006 charge cable. Does not include power cord., CS1000-4600
RFID-считыватель XR440 US, RD11320-1611412144
Считыватель RD5000-RFID,Gen2,DRM,a/b/g,bt,CE5.0, RD5043-20511010-US
ADPTR:UBC2000,WU-1000 SERIES , 21-32665-09R
UBC Adapter PDT75XX , 21-32665-39
Freezer Pouch, Attaches to Wrist mount, Must be used in -20C/-4F Picking environments. One Pouch should be purchased per WSS unit. , 21-35369-03
Titan Assembly Glove , 21-36429-02R
Wrist Mount without Back Boot, Used to attach Wrist Unit to the Users Arm, Must Order One Per User Per Shift , 21-38862-04R
Serial/Charging Cable , 25-38383-01R
Screen Protector Kit - 3 Pack. For use with applications with high touch screen usage, recommends the use of a screen protector to minimize wear and tear. Screen protectors enhance the usability and durability of touch screen displays. Benefits inc, KT-67524-01
Battery security mechanism for cradles in the 8800 product series , KT-71077-01R
Hot Sync, protective plug kit , KT-71162-01R
Holster for PPT88XX while Trigger Handle (TRG8800-00) is attached , KT-81548-01R
Kit: WLAN, Rotating head, Laser, Color, Win CE 5.0 Pro, 20 key Mechanical keypad, Standard battery, English OS , MC3090R-LC2MS00GER
Kit: WLAN, Rotating head, Laser, Color, Win CE 5.0 Pro, 20 key Mechanical keypad, Standard battery, Bluetooth/Audio, English OS , MC3090R-LC2MSBAGER
Kit: WLAN, Straight Shooter, Imager, Color, Win CE 5.0 Pro, 20 key Mechanical keypad, High density battery, English OS , MC3090S-IC2MH00GER
Kit: WLAN, Straight Shooter, Imager, Color, Win CE 5.0 Pro, 20 key Mechanical keypad, High density battery, Bluetooth/Audio, English OS , MC3090S-IC2MHBAGER
802.11 a/b/g, Straight shooter, 1D Laser, Color-touch display, 28 Keypad, Standard Battery, Bluetooth, Audio, 64MB RAM/64MB RAM, English, Win CE 5.0 Pro , MC3090S-LC28SBAGER
802.11 a/b/g, Straight Shooter, Laser, Color, 38 Key, Standard battery, 128MB RAM/64MB Flash, WinCE 5.0 pro, English, RoHS compliant , MC3090S-LC38S00MER
Auto charge cable (cigarette adapter). This note ONLY applies to orders placed directly with . FCA Manila, Minimum order: 60 (In multiple of 60s there after)., 25-12005-001R
кабель RS-232 12 FT , 25-32465-22
Кабель для сканеров 3ххх , 25-38407-01
Кабель питания PS/2 , 25-54570-41
Блок питания , KT-14001-002R
стилусы для MC35, 3 штуки в упаковке , KT-17C06-001R
крепеж , KT-70101-01
кабель для автозарядки , 25-70979-01R
Аккумулятор для PDT-8100 Zebra / , 21-58234-01
Датчик этикетки Present Sensor Option , 78-2293-01
Датчик этикеток Present Sensor , 78-2333-01
Модуль расширения Flash памяти 3 MB Flash memory module , 78-2311-01
Шрифты ILPC Font Set , 78-2322-01
Внутренний смотчик Internal Rewinder , 78-2302-01
Внутренний смотчик Internal Rewind (Factory Fitted) - W-8306 , 78-2029-01
Нож Cutter - E4203 , DPO78-2310-01

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